Hate Speech and Social Media

Analysis of Hate Speech Contents in Piedmont Region

The project is aimed at promoting social integration and coexistence among different cultures by studying, and countering, the spread of hateful content in social media.
The project focuses in particular on online discrimination in Piedmont, and is addressed primarily to high school students , who may be exposed to discrimination, at school or within their social context.
The project includes the design and development of informed linguistic technologies that can be applied to social media contents for the detection of online hate speech. Its main objective is the creation of a computational infrastructure for the collection and analysis of large amounts of user-generated data, mainly from social media such as Facebook and Twitter, for educational purposes, that is to raise awareness among Piedmont students of the dynamics characterizing hate speech online and its spread.


2016 - 2018

Funding Institution:

Project Proponents

  • Cristina Bosco (p.i.)

  • Viviana Patti

  • Giancarlo Ruffo